As Joseph Pilates himself famously said

 - "you will feel a change after 10 sessions, you will see a change after 20 sessions and you will have a new body after 30 sessions"

We encourage participants to follow his lead: for further benefits, preventative care and to achieve the satisfaction and challenge of newfound skill. If you are doing 2-3 classes a week, you should start to see results in 10-12 weeks. Learn more

How quickly will I see results from my Pilates training?

Frequently Asked Questions

Please wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely and bring a towel. Often you will be required to have legs stretched out so please wear clothing that will provide adequate cover. Please bring non slip socks to wear to during the session or these can be purchased in the Studio for $15. Please avoid dangling or sharp jewelry as it can damage the equipment upholstery.

What do I wear and bring with me?

What a great question! The key to Pilates is persistence and freedom to move without distractions. It is ideal to practice Pilates twice a week at a minimum, with 3 to 4 sessions being ideal. Spice up your practice with a combination of both Mat and Studio classes. To get the best results, it is recommended to do a variety of workouts so that you are continually challenging your muscles, therefore we offer a variety of different classes with varying levels of intensity.

How many sessions should I attend?

Yes. New clients who want to take a Studio class (Private, Semi-Private or Reformer) must book an initial consultation and complete the Initial Consult and Health History forms.  This assessment will be 40 - 60 minutes in length. The assessment is non-invasive and allows our team to work with you on identifying movement faults, strengths, weaknesses, goals and objectives and level of ability. This will ensure that the correct program of exercise is applied.

Following the initial assessment, your instructor will determine your level of competency and decide the style of class most suited to your needs and ability.

For those wanting to practice Mat, please complete the form upon sign up. If we have any concerns we will contact you directly. You may chose between the Studio Starter or Mat Starter pack.

Do I need an Initial Consultation

If you are unable to attend one of the classes you have booked, please make sure to cancel within the time frames advised in our “Terms & Conditions” page. If you are booked into any morning class before 8am and cannot attend, please cancel by 6pm the night before so that other members have a chance to view the schedule before bedtime and book in. We understand that life happens and there are certain situations that are unavoidable. 

What if I need to cancel?

Pilates includes Mat, Reformer, Cadillac/Trapeze Table, Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrells, Arcs, Spine Correctors, Spring Boards, small apparatus (magic circle, roller, balls) and more! The larger apparatus allows for modification of exercise through the changing of springs and altering equipment setup. Due to the intricacies of the exercise, equipment sessions are often performed in small groups or in an individual setting where detailed corrections and adaptations to movement patterns are made. Programs may be prescribed to the individual’s needs and goals.

Mat work only requires a mat and at times small props, and is therefore more easily accessible. The focus is on movement of the body against gravity, and with increased complexity in choreography and continuity of exercise, this format can prove to be quite challenging when done correctly.

When working under a qualified instructor either format is graded and adapted to the participant’s ability. Please know not all Pilates teachers are qualified to teach or instruct on all or any equipment. Please ensure your instructor has the correct and accredited qualifications.  LEARN MORE

I thought Pilates was just Mat & Reformer?

Running and cycling provides us with aerobic fitness, weight training provides us with strength, dancing and aerobics provide us with coordination and swimming provides us with challenging non weight-bearing exercise.

To ensure correct execution of all of these and develop correct alignment and skill of acquisition, one needs to specifically exercise the deeper intrinsic group of muscles, and Pilates does just that. This helps to create a rounded exercise program and reduce the chance of injury, which may occur during ballistic forms of exercise. Think of it as a complement to any form of exercise or fitness program. 

I am fit and healthy, why should I add Pilates to my fitness program?

Pilates is a form of exercise that may be attempted by the young and old, the elite level mover or the novice, men and women, experienced movers or not so experienced. Pilates instructors have postural and movement pattern assessment skills and depending on their qualification and skill can provide an exercise program to suit any person who requires additional support, as well as to those who are seeking a stronger challenge in their workouts.

I have health issues that my limit my participation in regular exercise. Is Pilates safe for me?

Please arrive 10 - 15 minutes early. This will allow us time for introductions and an overview of the equipment and studio areas.

It's my first time at the studio